Solving the Top 7 Facility Workforce Challenges

Recruiting, training, and retaining team members for an in-house staff can be a challenge, especially when you have a business to focus on. Discover how these problems and more can be outsourced with the help of a professional partner.

May 28, 2021


Solving the Top 7 Facility Workforce Challenges

At the heart of any facility services program are the people that care for and maintain your buildings.For in-house staff specifically, headaches like recruiting skilled laborers, training, and cost can prevent you and your facility from functioning at maximum efficiency.


The Challenge:

In the janitorial industry alone, annual employee turnover averages about 200%.¹

ABM Solution:

We develop internal talent to reduce turnover and keep employees engaged.


The Challenge:

Skilled trades are the #1hardest position to fill.²

ABM Solution:

Many applicants come through non-profits and community development organizations.

Aging Workforce

The Challenge:

50.9 years old is the average age in theFM workforce, with much of the talent retiring in the coming decade.³

ABM Solution:

As a Corporate Sustaining Partner of theIFMA Global Workforce Initiative, we strive to close the facility management talent gapthrough partnerships with accredited FM degree programs.⁴


The Challenge:

Maintenance employees average31.9 to 36.3 hours of formal training per year.⁵

ABM Solution:

We train our team members through facility-specific protocols, safety, and customer service, so you don’t have to.


The Challenge:

Labor costs can account for ¾ of the cost of facility services delivery.⁶

ABM Solution:

Working with a quality-oriented provider like ABM prevents unplanned expenses, like out-of-scope work, operational downtime, and more

Consistent Results

The Challenge:

Many facility management providers use a network of subcontractors to provide building services, resulting in a hodgepodge of providers with dissimilar values, work standards, and cultures different from yours.⁶

ABM Solution:

We self-perform 90% of our services, providing consistent ABM quality services, screening, and training.

Multiple Invoices

The Challenge:

The #1 headache experienced by facility managers is the sourcing, vetting, and continued management of vendors.⁷

ABM Solution:

With ABM Performance Solutions, there is one contract to manage and one primary contact, allowing more of your dollars to go toward quality labor.


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